For a long time, West Bloomfield bed bugs have existed as myths, part of a story our parents told us before we went to sleep. They used to be incredibly prevalent in the early twentieth century, and now they’ve made an unwelcome return. They’re small, blood-sucking parasites that may be living in the corners and crevices of our beds feeding off us while we sleep.

When people started using strong insecticides, they killed the majority of the bed bug population, banishing them from our beds from the mid-50s to the late 90s. They became extremely rare, and people couldn’t even recognize them anymore. Since then, they’ve made a reappearance in the last five to seven years creeping into our beds, our couches, and our hotel rooms. They’ve come back because of the potent insecticide that they used before is now banned, people are traveling more, and the bugs have grown resistant to modern pesticides.

Here’s What You Need to Know About  Bed Bugs:

They’re small, flat, reddish-brown bugs about the size of Abraham Lincoln’s head on a penny. They have a tiny head and an elongated shell. They live in the places we sleep because they feed on our blood at night. These pests don’t latch when they feed like fleas or ticks; instead, they bite then scurry away to digest like little vampires.

West Bloomfield Bed Bug 

Livonia Michigan Bed Bug

They have to feed on human blood once a week. The Livonia Michigan bed bugs can also adapt to your schedule; for instance, if you work the overnight shift, they’ll learn to feed on you during the day.

Bed bugs don’t form colonies like ants do, but they do like to aggregate within eight feet from where a person sleeps. West Bloomfield bed bugs don’t like movement, that’s why they feed on us when we sleep. They like to congregate in places like bed frames, headboards, dressers, seams of mattresses, and behind wallpaper or clutter. They can travel more than 100 feet at night.

Poor Sanitation has Nothing to Do with the Problem

They’re different from cockroaches, rats, or flies. Instead of feeding on filth, the bed bugs feed on blood; they only need a body. They have found bed bugs in Five Star Hotels Resorts. Most of the time, you can find them in major metropolitan areas, although they have made their way to some rural areas.

It’s like a numbers game. The more people that frequents a place, the more increased the odds the bugs will find their way in. Another target for bed bugs are places where people are seated for entertainment, treatments, and restaurants.

Bed Bugs don’t carry Diseases.

Bed bugs don’t carry disease; however, they may cause itching and lack of sleep.

Here are some tips to avoid West Bloomfield Bed Bugs:

  • Dry potentially infested bed linens, curtains and stuffed animals on the hottest temperature allowed for the fabric.
  • Decrease clutter around your home to make it easier to spot bed bugs on your own or during professional inspections.
  • It would be best if you inspected your home for signs of bed bugs regularly. Check the places where bed bugs hide during the day, including mattress tags and seams and behind baseboards, headboards, electrical outlets, and picture frames.
  • Inspect all secondhand furniture before bringing it inside your home. This is a common way for bed bugs to be introduced into homes.

If you’re traveling, you should remember the acronym S.L.E.E.P. to inspect for bed bugs

Survey the hotel room for signs of an infestation. Be on the lookout for tiny, ink-colored stains on mattress seams, in soft furniture, and behind headboards.

Lift and look in bed bug hiding spots: the mattress, box spring, and other furniture, as well as behind baseboards, pictures, and even torn wallpaper.

Elevate luggage away from the bed and wall. The safest places are in the bathroom or on counters.

Examine your luggage carefully while repacking, and once you return home from a trip. Always store your luggage away from the bed.

– Place all dryer-safe clothing from your luggage in the dryer for at least 15 minutes at the highest setting after returning home.

How to get rid of West Bloomfield Bed Bugs:

Step One: Identify all Infested Areas

If you want to get rid of them, you should find them before they start to reproduce. It’s easier to get rid of a smaller infestation than a big one. If you don’t want to search for bed bugs yourself, you should hire a professional to do the inspection. Once you find a bed bug, please put it in a sealed jar.

Step Two: Contain the Infestation.

You need to keep the bed bugs contained if you want to get rid of them quickly. That’s why you should trap them with your vacuum first. Run your vacuum over any possible hiding place like your bed, carpet, TV, dresser, etc.

West Bloomfield Bed Big Infestation 

West Bloomfield Bed Big Infestation

Seal up the vacuumed contents into a plastic bag and throw it away. Then, you need to thoroughly clean out the vacuum.

Seal up all your linens and affected clothes in plastic bags until you can wash them. Then put them on the highest possible temperature setting in the washer and dryer. If you can’t clean an item, put it in the dryer for 30 minutes at the highest heat setting.

Anything that you can’t treat in the washer and dryer, you should place in a plastic bag. Leave it there for a few months, if possible, to make sure all the bugs die.

Step 3: Prep for Bed Bug Treatment

Before you start treating your home, do a little prep work to maximize your odds of success. Make sure all your linens, carpets, drapes, clothing, and other hiding places are clean.

Next, get rid of bed bug hiding places. Pick up books, magazines, clothes, and anything else that’s on your floor and under your bed. Throw out whatever you can.

Step 4: Kill the Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are pretty easy to kill with high heat, 115F (46C), or intense cold, 32F (less than 0C).

Non-chemical and Chemical Treatments

Insecticides can help rid your home of bedbugs. Look for products that are EPA-registered and specially marked for “bedbugs.”

Step 5: Keep the Bed Bugs Out

Prevention tips

  • Check for bedbugs in hotel rooms when you travel to avoid bringing them home with you.
  • Cover your mattress and box spring with a bedbug cover and zip it up all the way.
  • Vacuum and wash bedding, furniture, curtains, and carpets often.
  • Seal cracks around light sockets, baseboards, and electrical outlets so bed bugs can’t sneak in.
  • Clear up any clutter. Don’t leave papers, magazines, clothes, or other items on the floor.